I was quite mad today, I want to share it here since this is suri's site where it's belong to me, me and me and again me. Haha.. but of course I'm belong to Allah SWT and all is belong to Him. ☺
Thus because I'm afraid to sin, I think twice, over and over again. It will be aib, and if I die this writing still stay, read by peopels all over the world 🌍🤣🤣. It will contribute to my sin eternally. 😱
It is actually nobody know me, none of my friends or family read suri's site, thus nobody will know the person I'm mad, but still a no no no..
😇that is bad suriana. Be patient..
👿this is online diary nobody know you, nobody know who'd you refer, just write your history of life. It's just part of your life and youll laugh over it in the future. Nothing much to think, just express it.
😇 suriana think again, this is aib, it is a test. Be patient. A sin or reward. Your life wont be calm if you doing this. Think of Allah belssing if you do as he pleased. Write your so called 'life history' in your offline diary. 📖
Alright2.. 😑😑😑
I google the same issue and read about the expirience of others in forum. Hahahahaha.. I laugh over it. Of how so many facing a same issue. In the forum, they sharing it anynamously, thus nobody know who, where and the forumer say sincere words. I laugh of how they handle it and what they say about it. Indeed the world is a test for a temporary life. Be patient as possible, think of Allah blessing first.
Just so nobody think bad. The issue is about 'hak' and it's not related to family. As long it's not about family it's not a big issue to me and I can handle it. Alhamdulillah my family is still good intact.
Even I'll be patient now, I hope the test is in a limit I can endure. I hope I do good for Allah and Islam. Really I'm not a good person in the first place and of course I complaint it within family. I'm human afterall, I got mad. ⛑⛑
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