I love Palestine

I love Palestine

Wednesday, 31 August 2022


Kredit kepada nst.com

Alhamdulillah bersyukur atas nikmat kemerdekaan dan keamanan Malaysia. Apabila melihat berita di TV, selalu membandingkan Malaysia dan bersykur menjadi rakyat Malaysia. Alhamdulillah.. 

Sepanjang kemerdekaan negara tahun ni ada sedikit sebak bagi saya. Melihat institusi yang tidak mengendahkan hari keramat negara. Sepanjang bulan kemerdekaan tidak ada dikibarkan jalur gemilang. Kalau indvidu mungkin segan diejek poyo (maaf saya lah tu, segan jadi perhatian). Tapi bagi saya institusi haruslah sekurang-kurangnya mengibarkan bendera menunjukkan semangat patriotik dan bersyukur atas nikmat keamanan Malaysia. Membolehkan kita mencari rezeki dan  berbahagia di bumi bertuah. Entah kenapa tiadak dikibarkan jalur gemilang. Bukannya membazir sebab bendera masih boleh digunapakai sehingga betul2 rabak. Sedih dengan keadaan ini harapnya kita tidak leka sehingga tiada lagi semangat patriotisme dalam diri. 

Didoakan Malaysia terus aman, bergerak maju, pemimpin yang amanah dan rakyatnya sentosa. Amin... 

Tahniah buat pasangan beregu badminton negara Aaron- Wooi Yik yang menjadi juara dunia. Hadiah Merdeka buat Malaysia tahun ini. Semoga terus success mengharumkan negara. 😊🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾

Kredit kepada thevibes.com

Akhir sekali lagu jalur gemilang. Antara lagu patriotik yang saya gemari. 

Sumber youtube

Thursday, 4 August 2022

Popia sayur

Resepi di sini

Terima kasih atas perkongsian 😊😋😋😋😊😊

Life is too short...

To worry that you are having good life. Just be grateful if it is a good day and be strong when it is bad. Afterall life must go on.

Susah la klu semua hendak dirisaukan. Beringat dan bersyukur tu bagus. Tapi sentiasa risau tidak baik untuk kesihatan anda. 😊

Monday, 27 June 2022

Exclamation mark!!


Credit to PAWS inc

Exclamation mark at the end of words can show the words means for excitemen, important, care or angry. Becareful when using it where it may lead to negativity. 

Today I join an online class where we get a certificate after the course. However my ic number was jotted wrongly and thus I personal messege the admin for correction. I ask politely as per bellow. I got exclamation mark eventhough it is not my mistake. I feel it is a rude reply but I try to be cool and patient. I don't take it seriously but I write it here hoping that we all be careful in using exclamation mark and please be kind to anyone especially to a customer. Remember being kind is a simple ibadah with good rewards in dunya and akhirat. 

This is my first time to publish screen shoot conversations. I feel akward but I think it is not a bad thing. I am usually very reserved but it seems I like to write in this blog. Take what is good 😁😁

*this is a draft from last year*

Sunday, 5 June 2022

Sleep... Sleep... and Sleep...

Credit to  PAWS INC

Last week was a chaos.. car accident, preparing for exam paper and lack of manpower at work. With all that I feel super duper tired or may I say I'm burnout? Alhamdulillah I pass all the ordeal strongly. To my weird during working I was very keen and I don't feel tired, I just give my best because it is all I always do. But once at home I drop dead lifeless (just saying-hyperbola). 

Yesterday my friend ask for a favour, a rare occurance for me to refuse. I usually very hard to say no to anyone. But I told him, I'm not available as I feel very tired. Because of that  I feel guilty and I attempt to change my mind. But then I let the time pass and I just feel very tired that I feel myself is a priority. 

Arriving home at 5.20pm, I take pillow to sleep on the cold floor. 6.44pm I wake up taking bath and do asar prayer just few minutes berfore maghrib. After maghrib I then sit on the lazy chair and again I sleep until 9.40pm. I wake up to perform Isya when mum advice me to take wudu since I have sleep. I said I wasn't sleep and I just taking a little rest. Mum said no "you even snored, go renew your wudu". 😁😁 

I feel very tired that I think I won't be able to khusyuk in my solat. I tell mum I will sleep first and do isya after I wake up. Mum not agree but she dosen't say much as she saw me like a zombee. On my way to room I imagine what if I die before I wake up and skipping my Isya. But arriving at bed I drop laying into sleep.  I wake up at 5.40am, do isya just few minutes before subuh.

After subuh I made coffee and ate breakfast. Done with that I go upstairs do some reading and I sleep again until 12pm. I wake up watching TV, eating lunch,  perform zohor and then again I sleep until 5.30pm. 

What a long sleep. Alhamdulillah. I regain my energy and hoping for a good day  onwards. Amin..  

Wednesday, 16 March 2022

May They Safe

The world know about the recent w&r involving R and U. Any soul will never like w&r since it can kill them. Buildings, animals, plants or any object can be destroy by w&r. But when greed overtop the right mind, they risk their life to w&r.  

Between the two civilized country I can't judge their actions. U are said to risk R by them wanting to joint N&+♡. After many times warning from R and neglected by U, R finally forcing into mili+ary act aka w&r. I don't know deeper than that but both have their reasons for their country. Each nation are fighthing and loyal to their country. 

BUT, BUT, BUT.... When it involve w&r it is most sorrowful and saddening. Why can't R confrant it peacefully. Why U can't agree for the sake of their people???? In this war R  deffinetly are strong and maybe the strongest in the world? And U are way way way at lost. 

I feel sad reading the news and seeing pictures of w&r zone. Blast, no food, dead, fear and only sadness. What else to cheer their day? Again no right mind wanted a w&r. 

I deeply effected knowing one of my blogger friend have to be in hiatus due to this w&r. It is a pet blog and she have done soooooo many good things to animals. I am not sure if she is in the w&r zone as  she didn't tell clearly, neither I ask as I'm just a silent reader, I feel shy and I afraid it is rude to ask such question. But always I pray for their safety and happiness. May the w&r end. Amin.. 

Tuesday, 15 March 2022

Hand-made Face Mask

Wearing face mask is a new norma. 😷
Credit to PAWS INC

Alhamdulillah. During my home quarantine I'm able to spend time to sew this few face mask. It is the upgraded version of my previous design (cewah.. 🤗) with pocket to put air filter in it. So this one is more beatiful, cool and most importantly 3-ply to protect us better. InshaAllah. 

I like hand-made face mask better because it is reuseable, soft, economical and good for the environment. I'm happy wearing my own design. Hihihi. With all the blessing Alhamdulillah 😍😍😘

The fisrt design during MCO 1

See that gold colour face mask. Who wouldn't feel proud embarrased wearing it?? 🤣🤣 In addition I made some hair band. 🎀🎀

The new design have pocket in it.👍

All with beautiful colour 🌈

Saturday, 12 March 2022

My Tote Bag 💼👩‍🎨

Credit to PAWS INC.

My very helpful and beautiful tote bags. Good for the environment. Proud of having them. Hand made by me. Alhamdulillah😊

This one is a lagend. Being helpful for more than 10 years. 😍😘

Sunday, 9 January 2022

Our SV


Credit to PAWS inc.

Recently two seniors left our team and they are among the  key person who are expert and fast hand in the team. Then coming two new staff but of course a newcomer cannot be compare to them. Our leader let the management to decide about the replacement, but once he did a small talk with the supervisor. 

The supervisor jokingly said that three persons are good enough to do the work and our leader laugh at his statement. Then when he came our leader will ask his help at the machine.  Everyone laugh at how he handle the work. He was panic, short handed, and he cannot handle the machine. "Ha.. itulah cakap cukup tiga orang, you do the work as even kakak can handle it". We all laugh at the sight and the supervisor admit his mistake. He also laugh of how fast the machine overcome him. 😂😂😂

Alhamdulillah though it is a hardwork, everyone being helpful and kind is a thing to be grateful. 😊

Saturday, 1 January 2022

Happy New Year 2022


Credit to bestmessage.org

Happy new year 2022. It is almost end of the first day and I managed to recall this special day to start my first post for this year. I am hoping good things ahead for everyone and me. Good luck in 2022 and be happy. InshaAllah 😊

It seems the picture is not represent Malaysia, but it have the best message to wish to everyone.  😀

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